Sunday, April 6, 2014

Of Silence and the Moon

I like the time after dawn. When the sun dips in the earth and the moon appears distinctly on the vast, extravagant sky.  When the birds are gone to their hide-outs and there is no interruption of their flapping wings that could disturb the stillness of the view. I like to see the moon afloat in the sky like a big glowing sphere with the occasional appearance of the gray clouds, like the smoke, wafting over the moon, making it appear murky. I like that time because everything gets so silent, so serene at that time that it gives me time to reflect, think, comprehend about everything. I like the time of night when everyone goes off to the valley of dreams and I choose to stay awake. I like the time of night when everyone slips away from reality by shutting their eyes and I choose to go to all the places far from reality by keeping my eyes wide open. I like to stare at the blackness of the sky. I like to listen to the stillness of the silence. I like the silence complemented by the sound of a far off cricket creaking at night. I like the silence complemented by an occasional sound of a stray animal wandering alone, trying to find a place to hide itself. I like the sound of silence complemented by the sound of my own breathing. I like the sound of silence complemented by stillness, the darkness, the calmness. I can never give that much time to myself during the time when everyone is up. I like the time after dawn, when everyone dozes off, because that is the time when they let me be with my own self. That is the time when I can smile, cry, and laugh without anyone getting curious or judgemental about my demeanour. I like the time of night because night brings along the moon with it. I like the time of night because I believe that the moon and I could become very good friends. Both of us like the time of night. Both of us like to keep ourselves away from the rest of the world. Both of us speak a lot without saying anything. Both of us are wrapped in silence. I like the time after dawn because things that necessitates life are not the same for me as they are for most of the people in the world. At daytime, people speak and I listen. At night, I speak and things that are metaphysical to you, come down and listen to what I have to say. Because my talk is too boring and dry for the citizens of planet Earth, I speak not to humans but to the extraterrestrial souls. I like to speak to them because it’s not hard to make them believe about my words, because they understand me and my incoherent talks. I like the time after dawn because of all those things. Because of my silent talk to the non-existent creatures under the vast black sky pronounced by the big silver moon.