Saturday, December 21, 2013

To Whom It May Concern

I Love You!
And do you know what does it mean when you tell someone that you love them?
That you care about them.
And do you know what caring for someone means?
That you would never hurt them.
And do you know how would I do that?
By making sure that I never disappoint you.
And do you know how do I try never to disappoint you?
By respecting your hopes that you, wittingly or unwittingly, have associated with me.
And do you know how do I respect your hopes?
By respecting your values.
And do you know how do I respect your values?
By weighing them against my actions.
And do you know what controls my actions?
Your presence. In my mind, in my thoughts, in my heart.
And do you know why are you present there, all the time?
Because, I love you.
