Friday, November 29, 2013

The Vicious, Dilemmatic Circle of Her Life

I know a girl. She seems quite enigmatic to me, running round in a circle. She calls it the vicious circle of her life. I say, the vicious circle is her life. Her life is a set of dilemmas, intermingled into each other, making it more knotty and complicated. But she has a power that unties every knot of her life by just a single tug; the tug of forbearance. Just one tug and the thread of her life gets so smooth before her eyes. It's easy, she says. She tells herself that it does not matter, that it's all in her head. She tells herself that there is something special waiting for her. She tells herself that she has got to be patient. And that's how she loosens every knot on the thread of her existence.

But she can't avoid seeing doubt raising its head, everytime she soothes herself with the pills of forbearance. She can't help but wonder what if this whole journey won't be any good to her, in the end. What if the path she had chosen wasn't meant for her feet to tread on. What if she'd never get what she wanted for letting it go that easily. What if what she was expecting to become a gift, would turn out to be a punishment. 

But she wants to keep going. So she always tries so hard not to let doubt peek into her life. And this is why she is in a constant battle with herself. I see her battling with the matrix of thoughts that take her from the battlefield to the mountains to the paradise and back to the battlefield again. The problem is, I can't help her. The problem is, I don't think she needs any help because I think this problem itself would take her to where the solution lies. The problem is, I'm not sure if my solution to her problem is actually what she wants as a solution.
Her life is a set of dilemmas..


  1. Her battle is not with herself but with her environs who is constantly inducting those doubts in her mind. And of course no one help her but her thoughts but she needs to focus more on that something special which is waiting for her. Have faith and b determined

  2. Ask her to keep faith on herself. And convey my best wishes to her. Her journey will definitely take her to dream destination.

    1. Your best wishes have been conveyed. Thank you!

  3. it's sweet that you want to help her, but i think for some people, knowing that there are those like you who's just there ready to rescue is enough to make them stronger...

    1. That's nice of you to say that. I hope she stays strong.

  4. i want to follow u on facebook for ur public updates. kindly inbox me ur facebook profile address at

    1. I'm sorry, Waqas, but I don't publish any of my blog's content on Facebook. You can subscribe to my posts by submitting your email address in the space given on the top left section of my blog.
      Thank you.
